
Do you have a great idea for a business or a social venture based on new technology? Below are some of the resources available at UBC which will increase your acumen and knowledge in entrepreneurship, and inspire you as you get started on your entrepreneurial journey.


Minor in entrepreneurship

Obtain knowledge and practical skills related to the formation of an entrepreneurial enterprise.


COMM 280: Entrepreneurship

Learn about entrepreneurship essentials through this hands-on interactive course.

IGEN 340 – Technology Entrepreneurship

Learn skills needed to capitalize on the opportunities that exist in commercializing technology.

APSC 486 – New Venture Design (4th-years)

Gain knowledge and practical experience related to the formation of an entrepreneurial enterprise based on the development of a new product or process.



A powerful combination of mentorship, education, venture creation and seed funding to support UBC students.


An on-campus startup incubator that provides high-tech entrepreneurs with creative spaces, a networking cafe, tools to build prototypes, and mentorship. To help early stage UBC ventures get cracking, Hatch provides a small grant called the Concept Fund.

Innovation OnBoard

A free 6-month program filled with entrepreneurship seminars, workshops and a Dragons’ Den-style competition.